Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Back to Blogging

I have been thinking so much about returning to blogging in the last few months and haven't quite made it happen, which it not surprising since Maria's arrival last October.  I felt stifled by not knowing what to say or what to focus on.  I have not been sewing at all, nor have I been taking very many photos.  I have also been questioning why I even wanted to write and post, and in the last few months it's been really clear to me that I just want to photo document my life for myself to help clarify the meaning and intention I have while being home right now with my three girls.  The intention is to be present and mindful, which is something that easily gets lost in the day to day I also want to do it for my future self, and when I just came back onto this space tonight it became so clear to me how wonderful it is to document these simple moments.  I was smiling and almost crying nostalgic tears looking at the sweet photos I took two years ago.  Claire was still such a baby, not even four!  Amelia really was a baby, barely a toddler!  I can't believe what big girls they are becoming.  Also while looking at those pictures I was actually able to give myself some much needed credit for being a good mom, something I'm sure we never do as moms. 
I hope to take more photos at home and post more and I'm feeling this need more now that I am working so much less after Maria's birth.  I have been working super super part time, just teaching four hours a week and childbirth ed once a month.  I feel so grateful to have this time.  For me personally I was having a hard time working the crazy nursing shifts and focusing as much as I wanted at home.  I always knew being home as much as possible was something I wanted, and while I'll always work a little, I am appreciating being home so much right now.  Of course having a third baby and staying home has not been without its challenges and there have been extremely challenging moments.  But I have grown and I am learning so much about myself and trying to focus a lot on mindfulness.  I am also learning to take better care of myself, the whole idea of emotional, physical and spiritual self care is actually kind of new to me and it is making such a difference. 
Little things I am excited about are my new prime camera lens, a treat for myself for my birthday.  It is already taking the shots that I always wanted, you know where the subject pops and the background is blurred.  I am excited for spring and planting in our garden in 60 degree weather this weekend.  I'm sure in my head, like always, I will have more planned that I will actually get done, but I'm getting better at being okay with that.   I am excited that we finally got a nature table set up in this house with things I had crafted previously (finally found that missing spring fairy after so much searching!  I think it was the spring magic...) It was so cute how much Claire pretty much set it up herself, I just did the hanging of the silks, and she also seems really proud of it. 

My big girl

Hard at work in her own little desk set up on the porch

General silliness

Seriously the hair.  Post tub hair is the best

Rockin her tea leaves sweater I did actually finish a couple months ago!  I always feel so happy when she chooses to wear it

I was very satisfied with this kangaroo wrap job

Always this happy.  Unless she's tired

First lost tooth!

Such sweetness

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